Wednesday 29 November 2017

What is compassion?

What is compassion 什么是慈悲?

“ Compassion is caring, is empathy, is love, is help, is tolerance, is understanding, is courage, is giving, is power." - Master Jin Bodhi

"慈悲是关怀,是同情,是爱护,是帮助,是宽容,是理解,是勇敢,是奉献,是力量. " - 金菩提禅师

Commentary by Jerome:
 In the past, I asked myself, " What is compassion? Where can I apply compassion in my life?" I finally understood that compassion can be applied in all aspects of your life and in all phases of your life, regardless of your social status.
If you are a road sweeper, you will be try to sweep in such a way wishing, "May all who all beings who cross the road be well and happy and be able to enjoy such a clean road."
If you are a clerk, you will do your admin stuff thinking, "May all who see my work be well and happy."
Even when you all in the toilet, you may think, " May all beings around me be well and happy, free from all suffering."
Happiness and suffering all originates from your mind. Your intentions. Guard them well. 
More information available at:

1) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

2) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

Monday 6 November 2017

Why Do We Need to Chant?

One recitation is prized more than a ton of gold.

Our life is hard to come by. Only through cultivation, we can overcome our karmic accumulation with wisdom and positive energy.

"Karma" refers to the accumulation of our past wrongdoings. Once surfaced, we tend to meet with many obstacles obstructing our path. If one’s merits are sufficient, one can easily overcome these challenges and achieve success.

In what ways can we purify and overcome our obstacles?

"Chanting" is the fastest way to readily dispel our obstacles in life. It is the most effective method to purify our mind, body and soul. When we chant for our ancestors, parents and children with a pure and sincere heart, making confessions for all their wrongdoings throughout countless generations, we can help them to accumulate merits and at the same time cleanse away their sins and troubles. Our loved ones will then have a healthy and peaceful life, filled with happiness and auspiciousness.

Official Bodhi Meditation Worldwide Centers -

Saturday 4 November 2017


Passionfruit is a highly nutritious tropical fruit. It offers a good amount of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants.

Like oranges, some varieties may be sweet while others a bit more sour. If eating the fruit by itself, it feels like eating seeds in jelly, the texture can also be comparable to eating chia seeds that have been soaked in water for a while. 😛

Passionfruit is safe for most people to eat, except for people with latex allergy. This is because some of the proteins in the fruit have a similar structure to the latex proteins.

Some quick ideas on using passionfruit in food/ drinks:
  • Make a juice or add to cocktails
  • Use it as a salad dressing
  • Mix it in yogurt
  • Make a passionfruit jelly
  • Passionfruit is usually used in desserts, but of course, the sky is the limit! If you like this fruit and its taste, you can try to include in whatever you’re interested in. 🙂


Wednesday 1 November 2017

Veggie Crunch with Nacho Cheese Dips

Thinking about how you can spice up your breakfast? Or are you thinking of something to replace your unhealthy munch when you’re bored and need a perk-me-up in the middle of the day?

💡 Try cutting up raw celery and carrots into strips and dipping them in nacho cheese sauce.

Raw veggies provide more vitamins than cooked veggies. Vitamins are heat-sensitive and may be destroyed in the process of cooking. Also, some of them are water-soluble and will diffuse into the water. However, do note that it is very important to wash raw veggies thoroughly. People with weak digestive/ immune systems should avoid eating too much of them.

There are many benefits to eating celery and carrots too. Some of the main ones are listed below. 🙂

Benefits of celery:

  • Lowers high cholesterol and high blood pressure
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Protects liver health
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Boosts digestion and reduces bloating
  • Contains anti-microbial properties that fight infections
  • May help to protect from cancer

Benefits of carrots:

  • Protects eye health (biggest benefit)
  • High source of antioxidants (especially Beta Carotene)
  • Decreases risk for heart disease and stroke
  • Protects against cancer
  • Important to maintain oral health
  • Boosts skin health and wound healing
  • Protects brain health and cognitive function

Article credits:

Food benefits references as cited in article: