Sunday 17 December 2017

Do not look down on small virtuous acts

"The Venerable Moggallana inquired the devas what meritorous acts had they done which led them to their rebirth in a celestial realm. They mentioned small acts involving virtues such as honesty, patience and generosity."

- The Dhammapada (By Buddha)

Commentary by Ada:

Do good in our thoughts, speech and actions everyday in our daily activities. Consistent acts of goodness will bring us ease of mind, happiness, good health and wisdom (since we are free from negative emotions!). Doing good is also like being a touch of lamp, our kindness will light up the hearts and minds of others - bringing them joy, hope and love. And when they pay it forward and help others, our world will be a much more better place to live in. Conversely, small acts of bad deeds can multiply a million times in the other direction as well.

Cheers to a happier, healthier and better you and a more beautiful world 😊

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