Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Medicine Buddha

The merits of the Medicine Buddha are majestic and infinite. If one gives sincere prayer and sincere respect to a Medicine Buddha thangka, he will be able to avoid calamities, vanquish illness, achieve longevity and be blessed with fortune and prosperity. The key to receiving the blessings is to be sincere, compassionate and grateful. Here are some stories that happened in the past to illustrate the blessings:

The sculpting of Medicine Buddha Statue extended life

Many years ago, there was a Brahmin whose wife had recently given birth. A Divinity master predicted that their son would only live for 2 years. Devastated, the parents sought the help of a monk who told them to sculpt a Medicine Buddha statue and make offerings to it. The parents immediately complied with great sincerity. Not long after, a voice spoke to the father in a dream:" Due to merits accumulated from your sculpting and sincere worshiping of the Medicine Buddha, your son's life will be extended by 50 years." Sure enough, his son lives 50 years longer than expected.

Reciting sutra protects one from disaster

During the Song dynasty, there was a man named Wang Tong. He always carried a copy of The Sutra of the Medicine Buddha and would advise others to recite it. One day, he was looking for a boat when an old man called out, "Wang Tong, come aboard!" So, he did. Not long after setting sail,, a strong wind roared and capsized many boats. However, Wang Tong was safe and sound, sailing along in the old man's large, sturdy boat. When he reached the opposite shore, the old man told him, " The truth is, a disaster was about to befall you. However, you have frequently encouraged others to recite The Sutra of the Medicine Buddha and have accumulated merits. I came to give you a lift out of the calamity." As soon as he uttered those words, the old man vanished.

The key to receiving the blessings is to be sincere, compassionate and grateful. You may choose to sponsor a Medicine Buddha thangka at Bodhi Meditation Centre.

More information on Meditation available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

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