Friday 3 March 2017

Travel tips on the go

You've worked so hard and finally you got the time to rejuvenate yourself. You decided that you want to take a short holiday break overseas! You may be very happy and excited, and your mind is all about the upcoming trip. 

In all your excitement, do remember to stay vigilant to ensure a truly happy and safe trip. The following are important travel tips for you to take note of: 

1) When you are in the airport or at any of the immigration checkpoints, do not accept any requests from anyone to put their things in your bag prior to your departure from Singapore.

2) Do not carry anything for anyone when you are departing or arriving into Singapore. If drugs are found in your bag you will be immediately arrested and in most cases, there is no bail if the amount of drugs exceeds a certain limit.

3) Make sure that your luggage bag is locked and there are no openings in your bag for anyone to insert anything in.

4) When you are at your departure point from, or to, Singapore, make sure that the bag is in your possession at all times. Even if you have to go to the toilet, do not leave your bag unattended.

5) For those who drive from, or into, Singapore, try not to give any strangers a lift. If drugs are found on that stranger, your car would be impounded and you would be arrested. Until you can prove your innocence, you will be in remand.

Now you're all ready for your next overseas trip! Have a great time :)

"Be vigilant when you travel." Straits Times February 1st 2017

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