Thursday 31 August 2017

Meeting Vitamin B12 Needs in A Vegetarian Diet

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is found only in animal products so deficiency is a potential concern for any person following a vegetarian diet (especially a vegan diet), or any person who significantly restricts the consumption of animal products from their diet.

Vegetarians should supplement their diet with vitamin B12. This is particularly important for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, to prevent deficiency in their baby. Small frequent doses of about 2 µg are recommended as excess doses is not absorbed by the body.

While plant food (including mushrooms, tempeh, miso and sea vegetables) are often reported to provide some vitamin B12, they are not a reliable source and will not prevent deficiency. These food contain an inactive form of B12, which interferes with the normal absorption and metabolism of the active form in the body. A reliable source of biologically active vitamin B12 is recommended on a regular basis, either from fortified food or supplements.

Tips for meeting vitamin B12 needs:
  • Include dairy food and eggs in the diet regularly (1 glass of milk, plus 1 tub of yogurt, plus 1 egg, plus 40g of cheese provides the daily requirement)
  • Fortified food such as fortified soy beverages, vegetarian burgers, sausages and yeast extracts (2.5 glasses of a fortified soy beverage provides the daily requirement)
  • For those who do not eat food containing vitamin B12, a B12 supplement should be taken

Credits: Dietitians Association of Australia

Tuesday 15 August 2017

How Do Vegetarians Meet Their Protein Needs?

As people become increasingly health-conscious, more people are choosing to have more protein in their diet over carbohydrate. The International Food Information Council Foundation reports that 50% of consumers are interested in including more protein in their diets and 37% believe protein helps with weight loss.

However, too much protein and too few carbohydrates over the long term is linked to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. That is because digesting protein releases acids into the bloodstream. The body neutralizes these acids with calcium—which can be pulled from bone if necessary. Eating too much protein also makes the kidneys work harder. 

In addition, depriving yourself of carbohydrates can affect the brain and muscles, which need glucose (the fuel that comes from digesting carbs) to function efficiently. The fiber delivered by some carbohydrate-rich foods help bowels move. And remember that healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, come with a host of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Of course, protein is still very necessary to help us build and repair cells, and make healthy muscles, organs, glands, and skin. The key is to eat in moderation! Everyone needs a minimum amount each day. The Institute of Medicine recommends 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. 

Here are some tips for meeting protein needs in a vegetarian diet:
  • Legumes such as soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, split beans and baked beans
  • Wholegrains such as brown rice, buckwheat, polenta, quinoa, amaranth, barley and oats
  • Dairy food and eggs (lacto-ovo vegetarians)
  • Soy products such as soy beverages, soy yoghurt and tofu
  • Nuts and seeds

Optimal protein intake -
Tips for meeting protein needs - Dietitians Association of Australia

Monday 14 August 2017

The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra

《The Buddha speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra》---The moonlight---

I visualize the golden light illuminated all surrounding trees….
The entire forest became luminous. When I narrowed my vision, I noticed three lotus flowers under every tree. Above each lotus flower sat a bodhisattva. The image is so serene, filled with purity and illumination. I visualized that I am Buddha, I am compassionate and I want to end the sufferings of all sentient beings. I want to bring compassion to all sentient beings so that they too, become compassionate like me. May compassion and warmth fill up the entire universe and beyond.

Before I sleep, I will do visualization on compassion. That is the main reason why I imparted “The Meditation of Greater Illumination”. If we learn to visualize “compassion” on a daily basis, it will eventually become part of us.
Because human life has a limit, we term it “limited life span”. However, “infinite life” is unlimited life time. So how do we escape samsara and the six realms of existence and reach a stage of eternal life?
Let’s Learn….
“I am the most compassionate! My whole body and every cell is the embodiment of bodhisattva compassionate expression. I wish all who suffers to be happy. I wish all who are foolish to gain wisdom. I wish all sentient beings that see me to have happiness and good health!”
“I am Guanyin bodhisattva! I am the most compassionate! I wish all poor to have food to eat, have a roof over their heads, have clothing to wear, have jobs to sustain livelihood. I want all suffering beings to attain happiness and good health!”
“I am the most compassionate! I am the most kind! I saw the golden moonlight. Together with it, there are countless golden points of light shining towards my body, penetrating my heart. That is the light of bodhisattva!”
I am compassion and compassion is me. When the beauty of compassion is part of your spiritual mind and such perception and concept becomes tangible, you will become one with Buddha and bodhisattvas. You will be a person with great wisdom and auspiciousness. Celestial gods will help you attain what you want to achieve.


More information on Meditation available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Health Benefits of Vegetarian Diets

Many people become vegetarians for different reasons. Some say out of compassion for animals, others for religious reasons. A portion of people become vegetarians for health reasons.

What exactly are the health benefits related to a vegetarian diet?
  • Low in unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fats. basically fat that clogs arteries and cause heart attack and stroke) and high in healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. fat that are less likely to clog arteries)
  • Low in cholesterol (a vegan diet is cholesterol free. cholesterol also causes arteries to clog.) 
  • High in dietary fibre (prevents constipation and reduces risk of colon cancer in long run)
  • Contain large quantities of fruits, vegetables and legumes 
  • High in antioxidants and phytochemicals (reduces inflammation and prevents cancer)

It is likely the combination of these factors provide vegetarians with an advantage when it comes to health. So start eating more veg today! :)

Credits: Dietitians Association of Australia

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Types of Vegetarian Diet

 Vegetarian diet is getting popular. Why? People do so for a variety of reasons. The main reasons include animal rights, religion, health and environmental benefits. 
What are the types of vegetarian diet? 

Consumes dairy food (cheese, milk)
Consumes eggs



Lacto- ovo- vegetarians takes dairy food and eggs apart from not taking meat. Lacto-vegetarians takes dairy food but not eggs.  Ovo-vegetarians eat eggs but not dairy food. True vegans do not take eggs or dairy food. Just a matter of terminologies.  ☺️

Credits: Dietitians Association of Australia