Monday 14 August 2017

The Buddha Speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra

《The Buddha speaks of the Infinite Life Sutra》---The moonlight---

I visualize the golden light illuminated all surrounding trees….
The entire forest became luminous. When I narrowed my vision, I noticed three lotus flowers under every tree. Above each lotus flower sat a bodhisattva. The image is so serene, filled with purity and illumination. I visualized that I am Buddha, I am compassionate and I want to end the sufferings of all sentient beings. I want to bring compassion to all sentient beings so that they too, become compassionate like me. May compassion and warmth fill up the entire universe and beyond.

Before I sleep, I will do visualization on compassion. That is the main reason why I imparted “The Meditation of Greater Illumination”. If we learn to visualize “compassion” on a daily basis, it will eventually become part of us.
Because human life has a limit, we term it “limited life span”. However, “infinite life” is unlimited life time. So how do we escape samsara and the six realms of existence and reach a stage of eternal life?
Let’s Learn….
“I am the most compassionate! My whole body and every cell is the embodiment of bodhisattva compassionate expression. I wish all who suffers to be happy. I wish all who are foolish to gain wisdom. I wish all sentient beings that see me to have happiness and good health!”
“I am Guanyin bodhisattva! I am the most compassionate! I wish all poor to have food to eat, have a roof over their heads, have clothing to wear, have jobs to sustain livelihood. I want all suffering beings to attain happiness and good health!”
“I am the most compassionate! I am the most kind! I saw the golden moonlight. Together with it, there are countless golden points of light shining towards my body, penetrating my heart. That is the light of bodhisattva!”
I am compassion and compassion is me. When the beauty of compassion is part of your spiritual mind and such perception and concept becomes tangible, you will become one with Buddha and bodhisattvas. You will be a person with great wisdom and auspiciousness. Celestial gods will help you attain what you want to achieve.


More information on Meditation available at:

1) Meditation and Health

2) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

3) Official Bodhi Meditation Website

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