Friday 16 February 2018

Staying healthy this Lunar New Year

Article by Ada:
Happy Chinese New Year

It was the flu season a while back and I caught the flu bug too :(  I generally dislike to take meds so I have developed some ways to recover from flu naturally. Hope this will be useful for you next time when you fall sick!

  1. Drink lots of water.
  2. Ventilate your house. You don't want the virus to be trapped in your house, and make your family members more likely to fall ill as well. 
  3. Rest and sleep well. 
  4. Eat fruits for Vitamin C. But do not overeat as most of them have cool properties 
  5. Eat mints and peppermint to help control the cough. Again, do not overeat. 
  6. Determine if your cough and flu is heaty or cooling in nature and eat corresponding food to counter them
    1. A heaty cough and flu (usually comes with yellow and thick phlegm): chrysanthemum and luo han guo drink - link to my food blog
    2. A cold cough and flu (usually comes with yellow and thick phlegm): ginger drink - link to my food blog (avoid eating fruits of high cooling nature such as pears and oranges)
    3. Persistent cough (eat food that nourish the lungs): honey, white fungus link to my food blog (avoid eating hot and spicy food)
    4. Remember to eat all types of food in moderation
  7. If all else fails, take meds regularly (lozenges and ibuprofen) so you can get back up with your daily tasks soon! Listen to your body and don't force yourself too much. 

More information on cough and flu properties:

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