Sunday 18 December 2016

Feng Shui in your home - general tips #1

People and the natural environment are interconnected; they resonate with and complement each other. As long as we follow natural law and stay in sync with Nature, Nature will bring us auspicious energy and keep negative energy at bay. This is also what we normally call "Feng Shui".

The following are some Feng Shui tips for your home:

Do Not Display Furniture with Sharp Corners

Furniture with sharp corners creates wariness and tension in the mind. The pointed corners are like the tips of swords, cutting and wounding the energy field. Sharp furniture also increases the likelihood of children getting injured when playing in the house.

Display Auspicious Accessories in Your Home

Keep in mind that every item has its own unique energy field.

Skeletons and death-related accessories should generally be avoided as they radiate the energy of death and deterioration.

The master bedroom should not display collection of swords, weapons or pictures of predatory animals such as eagles and tigers. These objects are inconsistent with love and affection. The best accessories to feature include those that connote love, even better would be displays of objects that come in pairs, as a couple. Symbols that are singular, or in multiples of three, are not considered signs of love and harmony.

There Should Be No Junk around and Under the Bed

The bed should be clean and clear, both above and below.

The Bedroom Should Be Tidy

Your bedroom is a mirror of your life: It directly reflects your image. The bedroom should always be kept clean and tidy, especially the closet. Feng Shui theory posits that fabric attracts positive energy, and therefore a neat wardrobe or closet will naturally bring auspiciousness.

The Rooms Should Always Be Bright, Dry and Fresh

Keep your doors and windows clean, and open your windows as often as much as possible for ventilation, fresh air and plenty of light.

Ensure that your rooms are not dark, wet and dirty, as they attract negative energy, and people who live in such environments are susceptible to illness. Mold and foul odors draw forth negative energy. Garbage and food wastes should he disposed of quickly in order to keep the hone smelling fresh and feeling positive.


Feng Shui is not simply the physical aspects of the home. It also comprises of the hearts and the minds of members living in it.

When a family loves and supports its members, the family is manifesting positive energy and blessings. It is a natural law that if harmony exist within ourselves and in our environment, the Divine will be drawn into our lives. A loving, caring, supportive and grateful family environment will form a powerful, auspicious energy field that can nurture us and ensure continued flourishing.

Believe in Cause and Consequences

If you follow the natural law, you will be successful. Remember the old saying: “If you plant melons, you’ll get melons. If you plant beans, you’ll get beans.” In other words, we reap what we sow. By doing simple good deeds every day, we cultivate blessings. If we plant seeds of love by helping others in need, our own families will be blessed with Iove, compassion and good fortune.

A Chinese philosopher once said, “Self-cultivation first, then form a harmonious family, then govern the country and then bring peace to the world”. Self-cultivation is the foundation of our future success and happiness. Cultivating virtue is ultimately much more important than selecting furnishings for the home. Good fortune follows virtuous people; wherever they reside is an auspicious place.

Picture background designed by Tirachard - Freepik
Content credits: Meditation & Health Magazine Winter/ Spring 2013 Vol. 3 No. 1 - Bodhi Meditation

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