Thursday 15 December 2016

Sacred Relics and Relic Holder Blessed by Master Jin Bodhi

I attended an internal retreat at Singapore Bodhi Meditation Centre in May 2016, and during the retreat, a couple of blessed items were displayed for sponsorship. This relic holder was one of them.

The moment the relic holder was brought out, I became very warm to the extent that I started sweating (in an air-con room!). I knew right then that it has an affinity with me. However, it was way beyond my budget and I was reluctant to sponsor it. I decided to forget about this feeling, but just then a kind participant whom I did not know before said she would sponsor it for me because she had a strong feeling that I should have it. This made me change my mind but I was a bit late and the only two available relic holders had already been reserved. Fortunately, one of the two owners was willing to let me have it! The entire series of events was so amazing and I was so grateful for everyone who made this possible!

When I brought the relic holder home, my mum and I could feel the heat energy exuding from it. It was such a warm and peaceful energy.

The relics inside the holder were given to me by my Theravada meditation teacher. He told me that the relics came from a Thai monk who saw that many stupas in India were destroyed and not well taken care by the locals. He made an aspiration that he will take good care of all the relics if they were in his hands. The next day, the monk found many relics in his bag! It was said that devas (celestial beings) brought the relics to the monk. It was also said that the coloured relics are produced when the Buddha walked on the ground (Each footstep produced some relics). The white relics, on the other hand, were produced when the bodies of the Buddha or Arahants were cremated. Since then, the Thai monk started distributing these relics to good cultivators. I am very fortunate to have these relics too. 

May everyone who sees this relic holder and its sacred relics be well and happy! 

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