Friday 27 January 2017

Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!

Wishing you and your family good health, happiness and prosperity in the Year of the Rooster! 


Sunday 22 January 2017

Did you know? Chlorhexidine mouthwash may stain your teeth

Mouthwash are commonly used to treat bad breath, gum infections, dental caries, or simply to maintain oral hygiene. There are many types of mouthwash available in the market. Some of them contain the ingredient Chlorhexidine. Read on to learn more about Chlorhexidine mouthwash!

How to use Chlorhexidine Mouthwash to treat gum infection?

After brushing your teeth, rinse 15 mL (one capful) of undiluted oral rinse in your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit it out. Repeat twice daily, in the morning and in the evening.

Did you know that Chlorhexidine mouthwash can stain your teeth?

Staining of oral surfaces (teeth, tooth restorations, back of tongue) may occur after 6 months of therapy. This may be worse when there is a lot of unremoved plaque. Stain does not adversely affect health of the gum or other oral tissues. Most stain can be removed by dentists.

How long should I use Chlorhexidine mouthwash for?
No longer than 6 months continuously as it can stain your teeth!

1) Uptodate online resource -

For more information on Meditation and Health, please visit:
Meditation and Health -

I believe

It is important to affirm yourself positively everyday. A positive state of mind creates positive outcomes. Dedicating this song "I believe" to everyone who needs the extra boost in their lives. We'll post motivational english songs next time. :)

For more information on Puti Meditation, please visit:

1) Official Bodhi Meditation Worldwide Centers:

3) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

Monday 16 January 2017


“Compassion itself is an action. It must pierce the heart in such a way that the heart is translated into action. We train to express compassion through every pore of our bodies and to radiate compassion directly to anyone we see.” - the Gyalwang Karmapa.
Commentary by Jerome:  
Compassion can manifest as our bodily actions, speech and thought. In our lives, we must incorporate it so well that it becomes part of us and it becomes natural for us to help others. In meditation, the compassionate mind energy can radiate through every part of our body to all sentient beings without discrimination (whether high or low, rich or poor, good or bad) in such a way that the heart will quiver at the sorrowful states of other beings.

Friday 13 January 2017

How do we receive inspiration?

[Receive Inspiration Through Meditation]
Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple, made a spiritual pilgrimage to India when he was young and learned about Buddhism. With the inspiration he received from Buddhadharma and meditation, he became a very creative person.
Where is the source of inspiration?
Inspiration comes from the realm of emptiness in the deep meditative state, where your consciousness expands endlessly.
“Emptiness” does not mean that there is nothing in that realm. In fact, it is when one is in a seemingly mindless state that inspiration from Buddha arises.
In the past whenever I encountered issues that I was unable to solve, I would stop thinking about them and start meditating.
At times, I completed my meditation without finding any answer. I would then continue with my daily work and meditation practice.
Usually the best solution to resolve a difficulty would eventually appear; it's like the solution was directly wired into my brain.
The solution simply presented itself in my brain fully formed, and I knew right away exactly how to proceed.
The answer obtained in the meditative state is given by the Divine. At first, it may seem like the solution does not fit the problem, but after implementation, it turns out to be the most effective way.
This is the power of Chan, the meditative state.
- Master JinBodhi

Source: Meditation & Health magazine Issue No.15.

For more information on Puti Meditation, please visit:

1) Official Bodhi Meditation Worldwide Centers:

3) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

Thursday 12 January 2017

Feng Shui in your home - general tips #2

Declutter Your Home

A clean and tidy environment will allow us to settle into good mood easily. It is therefore important that we place all items in their respective places and discard away unwanted items.

We should not pursue cleanliness and tidiness excessively, because doing so will lead to problems for the family. Why is this so? 

Firstly, such obsession will create unnecessary anxiety for the family, as it is almost impossible to maintain the perfect condition in day-to-day living.

Secondly, the obsession may lead to infertility for couples as it subconsciously signifies intolerance with the mess that children usually create. A happy family is typically one that exhibits tolerance and flexibility.


Meditation music will help us to relax our mind and body. It is especially useful to listen to meditation music after a long day at work.

Pu-Erh Tea

Pu-Erh tea is gentle by nature, and unlike green tea, it does not stimulate our senses too much. It also helps to strengthen our spleen and gastric system. It is good to drink the tea while listening to meditation music to relax further. 

Content Credits:  Meditation & Health Magazine Spring 2013 Vol.3 No.2 - Bodhi Meditation 

Tuesday 10 January 2017

GRUB Cafe - Portobello Mushroom Burger!

Jerome and I were strolling along the Bishan-AMK Park one Saturday afternoon and we chanced upon the GRUB cafe.

We chose to dine at the cafe because of the nice atmosphere and that the food was reasonably priced (generally below $20). Vegetarian food choices were limited, as denoted by the leaves icons in the menu below. 

Note that the prices in the menu have not included GST and service charge. 

We ordered Portobello Mushroom Burger ($11+), topped with egg ($2+) and sauteed mushroom ($3+). The burger came with fries, and the egg was sunny-side up added inside the burger. Sauteed mushrooms came as a side dish, and the portion was generous - I believe it is equivalent to the amount of mushroom in a typical mushroom pasta dish we buy elsewhere. Mushrooms add-on is recommended for vegetarians as they contain Vitamin B12. 

On the whole, the food was simple but delicious. 

We approached a couple of wait staff on various queries and all of them were friendly and helpful. 

The cafe offers outdoor seating, and has kindly provided mosquitoes repellent for customers who would prefer to sit outside. If you're dining there, I would suggest outdoor seating, as it's nicer to dine near nature than in a typical enclosed air-conditioned environment. It is also beautiful to have dinner at GRUB over sunset. 

The cafe provides a nice ambiance and food is reasonable in terms of price and quality. 

510 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, Singapore 569983

For more information, please visit:
GRUB Singapore (Bishan) -

Sunday 8 January 2017

Meditation testimonial - Sharing from LinYao (Overcoming depression)

As people become more affluent with age, they worry less about basic needs such as food and shelter. Instead, many worry about other problems (families, relationships, etc). These excessive worries may eventually lead to health and mental problems.Is this the case for you or your loved ones?

Sharing from LinYao from Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center, Malaysia
Lin Yao underwent a surgery to remove his appendix. Since then, he developed an irrational fear and suffered from poor memory and low school grades. It became so bad that he decided to take a break from school. His life was in darkness thereafter.

He picked up a copy of the "Meditation and Health" magazine, which turned his life around. He learnt from the magazine that there was a 8.5-day Health and Happiness Retreat, and attended the Retreat twice hoping to overcome his depression. He currently feels as though his life has blossomed and revitalised. Bodhi Meditation has helped him to find confidence in life and experience great joy that was rare and few before.

Abstract from the video:
" I underwent a surgery to remove my appendix near the end of 2014. After the surgery, I returned to school but realised that I had difficulty remembering things. I experienced tightness and pain in my heart, and was very fearful. I also suffered from insomnia. I researched on these symptoms and found out that they were related to depression.

Perhaps, I had always been depressed. My friends would always call me "floor flattener" - which refers to someone who always obtain full marks in examinations. Maybe I had tried too hard to fulfill the high expectations of others and myself. My mother asked me about school related issues and advised me not to be too worried about school and that there was always a chance to study again. When she said that, I became emotional and wanted to cry. Midway through that semester, my mother was worried of my emotional state and told me to take a break from school.

I like to read books in my free time. I found a copy of the "Meditation and Health" magazine in my house, randomly flipped and saw a sharing on depression. I felt I could try attending the 8.5 days retreat, especially since it was a free class; this was how my my journey began.

In the first two days of my 8.5 days retreat, I almost gave up. I questioned myself why I was there, and felt like going home. A sister from the meditation centre encouraged me to stay on, which I did. On the 3rd or 4th day, there was a chanting session. During the session, my tears flowed so much like having turned on the taps in my eyes. I wondered why I had sobbed so much. After crying, I felt very at ease, as if the dark clouds on an overcast day had disappeared  On the same day, the teacher gave us a homework to hug our family members. I had never done that before. When I hugged my family members, I felt they were happy that I was able to cope with my depression. It was a truly touching moment. I always felt that my depression was a burden to them. Finally, they are no longer burdened by me.

I attended a few more classes after the retreat. I had the time as I took a semester break from school. In one chanting class, we chanted for our parents. I realised that I had taken many things for granted. Now, I appreciate how hard they work for me. The best thing I learnt from that chanting class was filial piety.

Some time later, my school teacher called to check if I wanted to resume my studies as I still had one year to graduation. I told my teacher that I would return to school although I was not confident in my heart. I watched one of Master's teachings and he advised children to prostrate 36 times everyday if they would like to open their wisdom and become smarter. I took the advice and prostrated 36 times everyday! Gradually, I improved and I could remember everything taught by my school teachers. During the examinations, I had no idea how to answer any of those questions! But I told myself that I will try my best. I was in no mood to check my answers and left the examination hall. When the results were out, I was so shocked I had scored A+ in all my papers! It was unbelievable! I actually passed my papers; I was so ecstatic!

Bodhi Meditation has opened my heart, bit by bit, but not all at once. I am still opening up and I hope others with depression can walk out from it too. "

For more information on Puti Meditation, please visit:

1) Official Bodhi Meditation Worldwide Centers:

3) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

Tuesday 3 January 2017

100 million Mani recitation retreat 23rd - 26th December 2016 (Singapore)

Article by Jerome and Ada:

We attended the annual 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat on the 23th to 26th December 2016. This year it was held at Ngee Ann Cultural Centre.

His Eminence Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche shared with participants that the recitation of six syllabus mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG. It is in fact the heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin Bodhisattva). The Buddha said that there are 84,000 different teachings that lead to enlightenment. At the heart of all these teachings is the chanting of this mantra. Through the power of the mantra and individual effort, one will uncover the excellent qualities of Avalokiteshvara from within oneself. By purifying one' body, speech and mind, one may experience inner peace, compassion and wisdom.

H. E. Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche also shared that one should be joyful in practice. One should also set an intention to benefit all sentient beings before chanting. It should not be the case that you chant because someone told you to do so or because it is a daily routine that you must complete. Persistent and daily practice is most effective.

The 4-days retreat ended with a Jang Chog Puja (Prayer for deceased and the living) and a blessing ceremony for all the participants.

For More Information on Mani Retreat, please refer to the link below: