Tuesday 3 January 2017

100 million Mani recitation retreat 23rd - 26th December 2016 (Singapore)

Article by Jerome and Ada:

We attended the annual 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat on the 23th to 26th December 2016. This year it was held at Ngee Ann Cultural Centre.

His Eminence Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche shared with participants that the recitation of six syllabus mantra OM MANI PADME HUNG. It is in fact the heart mantra of Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin Bodhisattva). The Buddha said that there are 84,000 different teachings that lead to enlightenment. At the heart of all these teachings is the chanting of this mantra. Through the power of the mantra and individual effort, one will uncover the excellent qualities of Avalokiteshvara from within oneself. By purifying one' body, speech and mind, one may experience inner peace, compassion and wisdom.

H. E. Thritsab Gyabra Rinpoche also shared that one should be joyful in practice. One should also set an intention to benefit all sentient beings before chanting. It should not be the case that you chant because someone told you to do so or because it is a daily routine that you must complete. Persistent and daily practice is most effective.

The 4-days retreat ended with a Jang Chog Puja (Prayer for deceased and the living) and a blessing ceremony for all the participants.

For More Information on Mani Retreat, please refer to the link below:

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