Sunday 8 January 2017

Meditation testimonial - Sharing from LinYao (Overcoming depression)

As people become more affluent with age, they worry less about basic needs such as food and shelter. Instead, many worry about other problems (families, relationships, etc). These excessive worries may eventually lead to health and mental problems.Is this the case for you or your loved ones?

Sharing from LinYao from Cheras Bodhi Meditation Center, Malaysia
Lin Yao underwent a surgery to remove his appendix. Since then, he developed an irrational fear and suffered from poor memory and low school grades. It became so bad that he decided to take a break from school. His life was in darkness thereafter.

He picked up a copy of the "Meditation and Health" magazine, which turned his life around. He learnt from the magazine that there was a 8.5-day Health and Happiness Retreat, and attended the Retreat twice hoping to overcome his depression. He currently feels as though his life has blossomed and revitalised. Bodhi Meditation has helped him to find confidence in life and experience great joy that was rare and few before.

Abstract from the video:
" I underwent a surgery to remove my appendix near the end of 2014. After the surgery, I returned to school but realised that I had difficulty remembering things. I experienced tightness and pain in my heart, and was very fearful. I also suffered from insomnia. I researched on these symptoms and found out that they were related to depression.

Perhaps, I had always been depressed. My friends would always call me "floor flattener" - which refers to someone who always obtain full marks in examinations. Maybe I had tried too hard to fulfill the high expectations of others and myself. My mother asked me about school related issues and advised me not to be too worried about school and that there was always a chance to study again. When she said that, I became emotional and wanted to cry. Midway through that semester, my mother was worried of my emotional state and told me to take a break from school.

I like to read books in my free time. I found a copy of the "Meditation and Health" magazine in my house, randomly flipped and saw a sharing on depression. I felt I could try attending the 8.5 days retreat, especially since it was a free class; this was how my my journey began.

In the first two days of my 8.5 days retreat, I almost gave up. I questioned myself why I was there, and felt like going home. A sister from the meditation centre encouraged me to stay on, which I did. On the 3rd or 4th day, there was a chanting session. During the session, my tears flowed so much like having turned on the taps in my eyes. I wondered why I had sobbed so much. After crying, I felt very at ease, as if the dark clouds on an overcast day had disappeared  On the same day, the teacher gave us a homework to hug our family members. I had never done that before. When I hugged my family members, I felt they were happy that I was able to cope with my depression. It was a truly touching moment. I always felt that my depression was a burden to them. Finally, they are no longer burdened by me.

I attended a few more classes after the retreat. I had the time as I took a semester break from school. In one chanting class, we chanted for our parents. I realised that I had taken many things for granted. Now, I appreciate how hard they work for me. The best thing I learnt from that chanting class was filial piety.

Some time later, my school teacher called to check if I wanted to resume my studies as I still had one year to graduation. I told my teacher that I would return to school although I was not confident in my heart. I watched one of Master's teachings and he advised children to prostrate 36 times everyday if they would like to open their wisdom and become smarter. I took the advice and prostrated 36 times everyday! Gradually, I improved and I could remember everything taught by my school teachers. During the examinations, I had no idea how to answer any of those questions! But I told myself that I will try my best. I was in no mood to check my answers and left the examination hall. When the results were out, I was so shocked I had scored A+ in all my papers! It was unbelievable! I actually passed my papers; I was so ecstatic!

Bodhi Meditation has opened my heart, bit by bit, but not all at once. I am still opening up and I hope others with depression can walk out from it too. "

For more information on Puti Meditation, please visit:

1) Official Bodhi Meditation Worldwide Centers:

3) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

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