Friday 13 January 2017

How do we receive inspiration?

[Receive Inspiration Through Meditation]
Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple, made a spiritual pilgrimage to India when he was young and learned about Buddhism. With the inspiration he received from Buddhadharma and meditation, he became a very creative person.
Where is the source of inspiration?
Inspiration comes from the realm of emptiness in the deep meditative state, where your consciousness expands endlessly.
“Emptiness” does not mean that there is nothing in that realm. In fact, it is when one is in a seemingly mindless state that inspiration from Buddha arises.
In the past whenever I encountered issues that I was unable to solve, I would stop thinking about them and start meditating.
At times, I completed my meditation without finding any answer. I would then continue with my daily work and meditation practice.
Usually the best solution to resolve a difficulty would eventually appear; it's like the solution was directly wired into my brain.
The solution simply presented itself in my brain fully formed, and I knew right away exactly how to proceed.
The answer obtained in the meditative state is given by the Divine. At first, it may seem like the solution does not fit the problem, but after implementation, it turns out to be the most effective way.
This is the power of Chan, the meditative state.
- Master JinBodhi

Source: Meditation & Health magazine Issue No.15.

For more information on Puti Meditation, please visit:

1) Official Bodhi Meditation Worldwide Centers:

3) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

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