Sunday 21 January 2018

Afflictions in life motivate our cultivation

Afflictions motivate cultivation

There is a folk fairy tale in China known as《The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea》. In it, one of the immortals is known as Iron Crutch Li, whose image is that of a deity relying on an iron crutch for support. He personifies someone who, despite being physically handicapped in some aspect, can yet transcend and achieve wisdom and acumen with a sincere heart. His spiritual cultivation was never daunted by his predicament or worries. Perhaps, it is the disease, including the pain, suffering, and worries that motivate us to strive harder in our spiritual cultivation journey. Thus, all the suffering may be the motivation behind our transcendence - achievement of great wisdom and liberation? Please click on the video link below. Let's study the relationship between worries and transcendence!

- Master Jin Bodhi - 'What Is Buddha' Dharma talk


中國有個民間神話故事《八仙過海》,裡頭有個八仙之一鐵拐李,他的形象是個拄著拐杖的人,而這也示現了縱然身體有部分殘缺,但只要心誠,同樣也能達到智慧的彼岸,並不會因煩惱而障礙了修行。 . 也許有了這份病痛和煩惱,會更激發我們的修行之路。 一切苦可能都是獲得智慧和解脫的因緣? . 請點擊下方視頻,咱們共同來研究煩惱與超越的關係!

- 金菩提禅师 - '什么事佛法' 开示

Commentary by Jerome:
Without troubles and problems, our life will not be interesting. If we have lots of money and have all the material wealth in the world and we don't know how to use them well, we would have lived our lives in vain! Only through problems in our lives will we understand how others with the same problem feel. We will learn how to be more compassionate and understanding in their circumstances. We will learn to let go of our troubles and understand that true liberation is not dependent on external circumstances. True liberation is the liberation of our mind (our thoughts and reactions to external circumstances, our rigid belief systems) and be more compassionate in understanding and tolerating others.

More information available at:

1) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

2) Official Bodhi Meditation Website


Jerome is a Buddhist practitioner that has learnt from Theravada, Mahayana and Tibetan traditions and is still learning! He first learnt meditation and Dharma from Theravadan monks and practitioners in the lineage of the Arahant Venerable Amatha Gavesi Maha Thero from Sri Lankaramaya Buddhist temple in Singapore. Then, he completed a Diploma in Buddhism from the Buddhist and Pali College in 2016. He also learnt from Zen Master Wu Jue Miao Tian (85th Zen Patriach) from the LingJi lineage in Taiwan in 2014 - 2015.  Subsequently, he learnt from Garchen Rinpoche from the Drigar Thubten Dargye Ling tradition (Tibetan) and attended annual Om Mani Padme Hum and Om Ami Dewa Hrih retreats from 2015 till date. Currently, he is a disciple of Master Jin Bodhi (Mahayana) from Bodhi Meditation in Singapore and is an active volunteer there. Master Jin Bodhi is his main Dharma teacher. Jerome feels that Buddhism is not a religion but is a practical way to reduce our life's problems. The essence of Buddhism is not in the books or sutras but in the way we apply it into our lives. Having understood some aspects of Buddha's teaching, he wants to give back to the society and hopes to share his insights with everyone who has the affinity with him.

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