Monday 15 January 2018

What is true surpassing?

“Real surpassing should start from letting go. We should slowly cut down on our greed. In giving others benefit, we are actually receiving a bigger benefit and a more lasting one.

-       Master Jin Bodhi

真正的超越应该在字上下功夫, 要逐渐消减自我的贪念: 给别人带来利益的同时, 其实, 自己正在获得更大的利益, 更长久的利益。

-       金菩提禅师

Commentary by Jerome:

Some people say wisdom is found in the books. So one with pHD in Buddhist study is the smartest and therefore the best person to give a dharma talk. That is not the case.

There are 3 levels of liberation:

1)      Book knowledge

2)      Realisation

3)      Liberation

Book knowledge is the wisdom found in texts or books. Book knowledge is not enough if we do not apply them in our daily life! If we apply what we learnt in our daily life, we will find that it is not easy to let go of things that we hold dearly to. However, in the process of cultivation, it is necessary to let go of those mundane things in order to gain greater wisdom and be free from greed, aversion and delusion. That is true realization. Once we see this truth, we need to work to break these bondages and mental habits we created in the past. When we can truly let go without any more attachments, that is liberation. Liberation is when we are not fettered by external circumstances (good and bad).

More information available at:

1) Master Jin Bodhi Facebook

2) Official Bodhi Meditation Website


Jerome is a Buddhist practitioner that has learnt from Theravada, Mahayana and Tibetan traditions and is still learning! He first learnt meditation and Dharma from Theravadan monks and practitioners in the lineage of the Arahant Venerable Amatha Gavesi Maha Thero from Sri Lankaramaya Buddhist temple in Singapore. Then, he completed a Diploma in Buddhism from the Buddhist and Pali College in 2016. He also learnt from Zen Master Wu Jue Miao Tian (85th Zen Patriach) from the LingJi lineage in Taiwan in 2014 - 2015.  Subsequently, he learnt from Garchen Rinpoche from the Drigar Thubten Dargye Ling tradition (Tibetan) and attended annual Om Mani Padme Hum and Om Ami Dewa Hrih retreats from 2015 till date. Currently, he is a disciple of Master Jin Bodhi (Mahayana) from Bodhi Meditation in Singapore and is an active volunteer there. Master Jin Bodhi is his main Dharma teacher. Jerome feels that Buddhism is not a religion but is a practical way to reduce our life's problems. The essence of Buddhism is not in the books or sutras but in the way we apply it into our lives. Having understood some aspects of Buddha's teaching, he wants to give back to the society and hopes to share his insights with everyone who has the affinity with him.

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