Wednesday 10 January 2018

Easy recipe to make braised soup

Here's a shortcut method to make tasty braised soup with minimal fuss and work😉

  • Lor soup from your local mixed veg stalls (such stalls are commonly found in hawker centres and coffee shops)
  • A can of braised peanuts (it’s easier to use canned peanuts instead of raw ones because the latter will require several hours to fully cook. Also, if you insist on making it fresh, you should use a pressure cooker to make the process quicker.).
  • Eggs (avoid choosing very fresh eggs so the shells can be peeled off easily and beautifully after boiling)
  • Tau pok
  • Tau kwa
  • Beancurd sheets

  • Pour the purchased braised soup into your pot
  • If the soup portion is not enough, you can add more water, star anise and black soy sauce
  • Boil the eggs separately (check out this previous post on how to make perfect-looking eggs!)
  • Wash the tau kwa, tau pok and beancurd sheets, cut them into smaller pieces and add into the soup
  • Add in the egg
  • Boil the soup for a while for the ingredients to soak up the taste and the soup is ready!
  • Add the peanuts only on the rice

I think it tastes pretty decent, and this dish provides quite a bit of protein too, from the peanuts and various soy products. Take note that peanuts are not advised for people with gout.

Credits: Adaveggieeats

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